Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Help Get REAL Immigration Reduction Bill NOW!

Dear CCN Supporter:

1.8 Million Immigrants arrived in the USA in 2016 (U.S. Census Bureau) — the Highest Level in U.S. History.

And between 1.5 and 1.6 Million of these were LEGAL Immigrants. California received over 400,000 LEGAL Immigrants that year and, under current law that flow continues. And there were 702,000 VISA Over-stayers in 2017, and 500,000 Illegal Aliens crossed the Border that year!
CCN’s recent Study shows that the NET Costs (after subtracting taxes Immigrants pay) of LEGAL Immigration is $330 BILLION per year to U.S. Taxpayers ($758 Million per year to each Congressional District or $1000 per year for each U.S. Taxpayer!).
The $330 BILLION does NOT include NET Costs to State and Local Taxpayers.

In addition, CCN’s Study found that 5.9 Million Americans have lost their jobs to immigrants since 2005.
NOW, consider the Fact that President Trump has indicated he will shut the Government down unless the new Funding Bill, which much be passed by September 30, includes funding for the Border Wall.

This means that it is highly likely that such a Bill will include other Immigration Reduction Provisions.
With your help NOW, CCN intends to intensify our push to maximize the Immigration Numbers Reduction in that Bill.

So CCN has drafted a letter below for you to send to the Members of the Senate and House, and most important to Members of the Border Security and Immigration Subcommittees of the House and Senate because these committees are typically the first to “Mark Up” (i.e., Edit/Change) Bills which are introduced. Below that letter you will find the Names of Subcommittee Members and links to their Contact Information.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: If one or two of the Members listed below represents your District or State, you are especially well-positioned to influence this legislation! Please Do It!

And finally, please Donate to Carrying Capacity Network to help us intensify our efforts.


Dear Member of Congress,

We are writing to urge you to support an Immigration Reduction Bill (see below) which would reduce the USA’s Deficit by over one half TRILLION $s in the Next Decade and avert a Government shutdown.  See Carrying Capacity Network’s recent Study of the Annual  NET Cost of LEGAL IMMIGRATION which provides Critical Cost Information that has for years been unavailable  you and all of the American people.

For most of the last at least a dozen years,  the average amount of public resources (i.e., tax dollars) wasted/spent  on LEGAL immigration has been an Annual NET Cost of $$ 330 BILLION  ($330,000,000.00 Yes , this is the NET l  after deducting taxes paid by Legal immigrants): Carrying Capacity Network Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study and this does NOT include additional cost borne by States & Localities.
Our question to you all is:


We are not exactly sure what benefits have been claimed for the American people from the Annual LEGAL Immigrant flow of approximately 1.5 Million plus (let alone the hapless  TAXPAYER) — possibly  Chuck and Nancy would claim some,  but, NOW — given our prospective $$$ Trillion  Deficits,  is the PERFECT time for it to cease.  We know of no rational argument for its continuance. 
If we do the math, $330,000,000 000.00 divided by 330 million U.S. citizens has been a cost equivalent to an annual tax on each U.S. citizen—for a family of four. That is a tax each year of $4000.00!

We believe that the family of four would have had a better use for that money.
Or if you prefer, $330,000,000,000.00 divided by 435 congressional districts equals $758 million that could have been spent in each of those districts each year.  Congress should have never let this happen. It was a terrible mistake.  The taxpayer can never get his/her money back , but EACH OF YOU can stop this Outrageous policy now — by passing one simple bill — the ALL-CATEGORIES-INCLUDED ZERO-NET MORATORIUM ON LEGAL IMMIGRATION first proposed by the DIVERSITY COALITION in 1996 and presented to Congress in a News Conference hosted by House Ways and Means Chairman, Bill Archer, from Texas.  Had this bill passed, the U.S taxpayer would have saved  trillions of dollars — or at least the taxpayer could have spent it on himself and HIS family and/or for the Public Good instead of on others!!!   
Enacting a zero-Net Moratorium would reduce the Annual legal flow from 1.5 plus Million LEGAL Immigrants per year to 150,000 per year — about the same number as voluntarily leave the USA every year.
And CCN’s Study shows that enacting a zero-net Moratorium would SAVE ONE HALF TRILLION $$$ in the Next decade!! And Note the Study Debunks the Myth that we have a Worker Shortage.
Over 5.9 Americans have been displaced from their Jobs by Immigrants since 2005!! See Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study.

Or to focus on the purpose of the letter:  these savings can be used to help you and all of us — to avert a Government shutdown, build The Wall, implement e-Verify, dramatically reduce the U.S. Budget deficit and to pay for all the GENUINE NEEDS OF THE AMERICAN  PEOPLE!!

CCN Supporters:­­­­

The Congressional Phone Number is 202-224-3121

Detailed contact information is available at the link above and at Congress.gov/Members 

2017-2018 (115th Congress)

Senate SubCommittee on Border Security & Immigration, 2017-2018
Democratic members (7)
Republican members (8)
RM: Sen. Richard Durbin D-IL
Chair: Sen. John Cornyn R-TX
Sen. Richard Blumenthal D-CT
Sen. Michael Crapo R ID
Sen. Cory Booker D-NJ
Sen. Ted Cruz R-TX
Sen. Dianne Feinstein D-CA
Sen. Jeff Flake R-AZ
Sen. Mazie Hirono D-HI
Sen. Charles Grassley R-IA
Sen. Amy Klobuchar D-MN
Sen. John Kennedy R-LA
Sen. Patrick Leahy D-VT
Sen. Mike Lee R-UT

Sen. Thom Tillis R-NC

House SubCommittee on Immigration & Border Security, 2017-2018
Democratic members (5)
Republican members (8)
RM: Rep. Zoe Lofgren D-CA19
Chair: Rep. Raúl Labrador R-ID1
Rep. Luis Gutiérrez D-IL4
V-Chair: Rep. Ken Buck R-CO4
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX18
Rep. Andy Biggs R-AZ5
Rep. Pramila Jayapal D-WA7
Rep. Mike Johnson R-LA4
Rep. Jamie Raskin D-MD8
Rep. Jim Jordan R-OH4

Rep. Steve King R-IA4

Rep. James Sensenbrenner R-WI5

Rep. Lamar Smith R-TX21