Friday, November 29, 2019

Opportunity to Multiply Our Success — Donor Match Offer


Opportunity to Multiply Our Success
— Donor Match Offer

CCN’s recent successful leadership in

    1. facilitating the stopping of “Unanimous Consent” for S.386 “ ‘Fairness’ to Skilled Workers” (AKA UNFairness to American Workers) Bill by Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) which would inter alia have allowed admission of 300,000 Indian workers annually plus their families and
    2. facilitating stopping the Midnight Merger of Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) Open Borders RELIEF Act with Harris/Lee’s S.386! (see CCN’s recent Alert)
is becoming widely recognized.

Indeed a CCN Supporter has just offered to Match all Donations to CCN this year up to $5,000.

And CCN definitely needs Donations to continue its success in stopping very Bad Bills (—e.g., the Farm Workforce Modernization Act HR 4916 and HR 5034 (a de facto Illegal Alien Amnesty and a Threat to pass any day!) and in getting reductions, a goal which appears increasingly doable.

So Please Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to CCN very soon so we can meet and exceed the Donations required to get the $5000 Match.

Please help Carrying Capacity Network intensify our PUSH for these policies  by increasing our Activist Mobilization, Media, lobbying and public education efforts with a tax-deductible donation prior to Year-End.

Any donation, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated. Now is the Time to Donate for Maximum Effect! Donations are Tax-Deductible. Help CCN intensify our efforts.

The 2020 Election Campaign is already underway!

And remember that CCN is a Genuine Mass Immigration REDUCTION Group, so Donations to CCN have far more impact dollar for dollar than Donations to Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups who refuse to support a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal. (See which describes the adverse effects National Immigration Management groups’ Actions had on Arizona Activists’ attempts to reduce immigration into Arizona.)

Therefore, CCN invites once again all genuine REDUCTIONIST organizations to Join our Diversity Coalition for an Immigration  MORATORIUM . . . a Coalition supported by many Immigrants from all Ethnic Groups.

Please donate by Credit Card at Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. or by Check via U.S. mail to:

P.O.BOX 457
San Francisco, CA 94104

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

$330 Billion /Year NET Taxpayer Cost for Legal Immigration!


$330 Billion /Year NET Taxpayer Cost for Legal Immigration!

Help Stop It with CCN’s Solution

CCN has taken the lead in exposing the $330 Billion Annual NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Cost of Legal Immigration to American Taxpayers. That’s $758 Million per Year NET per Congressional District and does not include State and Local NET Costs. See CCN’s NET Cost of Legal Immigration Study.

Worse, much of this is borrowed Money! And much of the pressure to continue the Legal Immigration flow comes from the very well-heeled Cheap Labor Lobby who make Huge Donations to members of Congress.

Result: Wage Depression and Job Loss for American Workers — over 5 Million Jobs lost since 2005!

CCN’s Tactical Victory

CCN alone took the lead (see recent Alerts) in facilitating stopping Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) S.386 Massive Jobs Giveaway Bill and also Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) Open Borders (4 Million Green Cards!) RELIEF Act.

Now we need your help to get Real Reductions and to Stop the latest Cheap Labor Lobby Bill, The Farm Workforce Modernization Act (HR 4916 and/or 5038) which includes a Mass Amnesty for Illegal Aliens!

So Ask Your Representatives what their priorities are — Jobs for Citizens of  the USA or for the Cheap Labor Lobby Mega-Companies?

Act NOW! And Ask your Representatives to reveal their Donor List and to publicly oppose the High-skilled American jobs giveaway Bills — S.386 and H.R. 4916.

The Magnet Effect!

Insist they take a stand Against Mass Legal Immigration which is a magnet for Illegal Aliens, who aspire to fill the Legal Immigration “Slots” like the uncapped Asylee Category. Contact your Representatives’ local offices now and tell them what you think.

The Strategy to Stop These Bills

CCN has for years laid out The Strategy for stopping such bills and reducing Legal and Illegal Immigration.

Unfortunately, CCN’s Strategy (See our “The Only Way to Stop Mass Immigration” series et al. at has not been adopted by certain other Major National allegedly Reductionist, but de facto Mass Immigration Management, Groups.

The Management Groups need to Adopt The Only Strategy which will Work which is outlined in the following excerpts from our recent Alert, MASS Legal Immigration – An Intensifying Threat.

​1. Stopping Illegal Immigration requires Reducing Legal Immigration
Indeed, the large numbers of “Slots” Available to Legal Immigrants (e.g., the de facto Unlimited Asylee Category) creates a Magnet effect for Illegal Aliens.Indeed, the Uncapped Asylee category encourages Trafficking of Children, because it allows any adult bringing a child into the U.S. to become a de facto permanent resident.

Already “more than 100,000 illegal Aliens with Arrest Records, including Murder, Rape, and DUI, have been given Amnesty, biometric Real IDs, and guest worker permits” (ALI-PAC 11/22/19) and can not be deported from “Sanctuary” Cities.

2.  Regarding Costs, consider this summary of CCN’s NET COSTS Study: U.S. Taxpayers Costs from legal immigration alone - $330 BILLION PER YEAR NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) , i.e.:

i. $3.3 TRILLION NET prospectively for the next Decade if Legal immigration is not reduced.

ii. Does NOT include COSTS borne by States and Localities.

iii. $758 MILLION per Year for Each Congressional District. That is, the NET costs of legal immigration average $1000 per U.S. Taxpayer per year!

iv. 70% of legal immigrants get one or more “free” (i.e., U.S. Taxpayer-funded) Health Care, Health Insurance, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing & Welfare. 



ii. Confirmed by two other studies, e.g., by Professor of Computer Science, U.C. Davis, Norm Matloff Blog, “Vast Majority of H1B and related visa hires are Cheap Labor Hires”

iii. And by Economist Ed Rubenstein writing for

There is no shortage of American Workers! See recent Immigrant Employment Data from in CCN’s previous Alerts.

The Solution: CCN has, for years, supported is an all-categories-included Zero-Net MORATORIUM on LEGAL ImmigrationCall your Representatives today to get them to reveal their donors, oppose S.386 and H.R. 4916 and Support an all-categories-included Zero-NET Moratorium.  

The number of immigrants admitted annually consistent with Zero-Net Immigration would be approximately 150,000 (the approximate number who emigrate every year), in contrast to the current number of approximately 1.6 million annually.

CCN’s MORATORIUM Advocacy maximizes Political pressure for substantial reduction in Legal Immigration, quite unlike plans advocated by other National Immigration “Reform” Groups, i.e., Groups which refuse to push a Moratorium and therefore are de facto Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups; not genuine reduction groups. If enacted, their positions are counterproductive because they would ensure unending MASS Immigration.

CCN also exposes and opposes Cultural Marxism — driven by MASS Immigration — and which is The Major Force driving Political Correctness, Mass Immigration, Multi-Culturalism, Identity Politics, and Destruction of Western Nations and their Traditions, and ANTIFA. See CCN’s February, 2010 and Subsequent Alerts.

In the background, world population increases by about 80 million per year, and pressure to come to U.S.A. will only increase. Since 2005, an average of 1.5 Million Legal Immigrants settled in Lifeboat U.S.A. annually. Recently, 1.6-1.7 Million have settled here annually. The US Census reports that  400,000 legal immigrants per year settle in California alone.



ii. “For Every Person added to U.S. (or California’s) Population, one Acre of precious Farmland or Natural Habitat is lost to Developed Uses (e.g., Malls, Urban Sprawl, Tract Housing) (Pimentel et al, Cornell)

iii. California: Potable water demands from growing cities and from ground water depletion far in excess of recharge rates) have led to a long-term Potable Water Crisis resulting in some jurisdictions (e.g., all of Orange County, California) being forced to drink “Toilet to Tap Water” in recent years. One year of heavy rains has not solved this problem

iv. Our Zero-Net Moratorium push sends the Critical message that we must Stop MASS Legal Immigration in order to protect our environment. 

As well, Legal and Illegal Immigration is a Major cause of Increased Homelessness and Crowding (and higher Taxes everywhere in the USA) especially in those Areas which receive large numbers of Immigrants — New York City, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles.

Consider California, which receives about 400,000 Legal Immigrants per Year. California has many attractions, generous Taxpayer-funded benefits among them.

For example, in addition to the aforementioned Costs, there are other very substantial Impacts. Those 400,000 Legal Immigrants plus the hundreds of thousands of Illegal Immigrants create a great and increasing demand for Housing. And since many of the Legal Immigrants especially are well-heeled and heavily subsidized by US taxpayers, they have the Financial ability to “crowd out” the most impoverished Americans — many of whom end up living in the streets, or, if they are “lucky” in tent cities and Trailers.  This Demographic Impact is merely the beginning.

The crowding of taxpayers-funded schools, roads, hospitals, emergency rooms and public Transportation Systems is largely a result of MASS immigration, both legal and illegal.

“…[I]mmigration overload has adversely impacted the carrying capacity of many schools … Especially K to 12…

“… 23% of students in public schools Today are from immigrant households … High Immigration States have seen even more dramatic increases … Nevada 35%, New Jersey 34% Texas 31%, …. Even in states that are not traditional Immigrant Destinations — Minnesota, Alaska, Kansas, … I in 7 students are from immigrant households …”

Christopher Daly, The Impact of Immigration on Public EducationCampoc Inc / NPG, March 2018

Therefore, please push your Representatives hard NOW to reveal their Donors and:

  2. Implement E-VERIFY
  3. End Anchor Baby BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP and forbid H1B and other Immigrant Workers’ children from obtaining it.
  4. Eliminate all CHAIN MIGRATION except for spouses & minor children of US citizens
  5. Outlaw Sanctuary Cities and States, because they are Magnets for criminals
  6. Refuse admission to those convicted of a crime — jail or deport them
  7. And above all Push for an All-Categories-Included Zero-Net MORATORIUM on Legal Immigrants and, of course,
  8. A “no” Vote on S.386 and “no” on Durbin’s RELIEF Act and “NO” to the Farm Workforce Modernization Act.
Please help Carrying Capacity Network intensify our PUSH for the policies above by increasing our Activist Mobilization, Media, lobbying and public education efforts with a tax-deductible donation prior to Year-End.

Any donation, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated. Now is the Time to Donate for Maximum Effect! Donations are Tax-Deductible. Help CCN intensify our efforts.
The 2020 Election Campaign is already underway!

And remember that CCN is a Genuine Mass Immigration REDUCTION Group, so Donations to CCN have far more impact dollar for dollar than Donations to Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups who refuse to support a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal. (See which describes the adverse effects National Immigration Management groups’ Actions had on Arizona Activists’ attempts to reduce immigration into Arizona.)

Therefore, CCN invites once again all genuine REDUCTIONIST organizations to Join our Diversity Coalition for an Immigration  MORATORIUM . . . a Coalition supported by many Immigrants from all Ethnic Groups.


Please donate by Credit Card at Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. or by Check via U.S. mail to:

P.O.BOX 457
San Francisco, CA 94104

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Stop Giveaway of 300,000 Prime American Jobs!


Stop Giveaway of 300,000 Prime American Jobs!

Every year, 800,000 Americans graduate from College with degrees in healthcare, business, engineering, math, science, and …

These Graduates’ job prospects are seriously impaired by the additional 300,000 Indian contract workers, plus other H1Bs which would be admitted under the so-called “Fairness to High-Skilled Immigrants Act” (S.386, Kamala Harris – D, CA) to be considered by the Senate this September!

And other relatively low-skilled H1Bs and Immigrants in other categories would continue to take jobs from Americans and depress American Wages and to increase costs to American Taxpayers who already subsidize them for the benefit of the Globalist companies which hire them. (See CCN’s Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study)

S.386 is the companion Bill to H.R. 1044 “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act” (aka “Job Killer for Americans Act”) already passed the House in early July with support from a Majority of Dems and 140 RINO Republicans. (But there is no shortage of American workers as the three studies on which we earlier reported show.)

These Bills are also Disasters because they would greatly increase Legal and, therefore Illegal, Immigration, see also Fact Sheet on HR 1044, Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act, 07/08/19, reports on these Bill’s specific negative consequences.

“GOP legislators (140) voted for a bill drafted by business groups and Democrats which provides a green card giveaway to 300,000 Indian contract workers and dramatically increases the incentives for more Indian graduates to take college graduate jobs in the United States.

“The legislation offers roughly 75,000 extra green cards per year to encourage Indian graduates to become contract workers in the United States.
"Indian graduates use the H-1B visa program and the Optional Practical Training program to seek low-wage job offers for U.S. white-collar jobs that are also sought by the 800,000 Americans who graduate from college each year with new degrees in healthcare, engineering, business, science, math, computers or science….

“Kamala Harris Promises Opportunity, but Hides Indian Outsourcing Bill

“Sen. Kamala Harris says she supports U.S. families, but pushes a bill which gives green cards to Indian graduates if they take U.S. jobs.”

“Kevin McCarthy, 140 GOP Reps Vote for Democrat Plan to Outsource Jobs,” 07/10/2019

Moreover, these bills would join the Dream and Promise Act  which would legalize DACA Aliens and Millions of Illegal Immigrants also passed earlier this year by the House.
In sum, if both are passed by the Senate and signed by President Trump, they would dramatically increase Legal Immigration and Job Displacement and Wage Depression of American Workers. Enforcement of the “No Public Charge Admitees” Rule, while useful, would not reduce the H1B flow at all and only slightly reduce other admissions.

The Strategy to Stop These Bills

CCN has for years laid out The Strategy for stopping such bills and reducing Legal and Illegal Immigration.

Unfortunately, CCN’s Strategy (see our “The Only Way to Stop Mass Immigration” series et al.) at has not been adopted by certain other Major National allegedly Reductionist, but de facto Mass Immigration Management Groups.

The Management Groups need to Adopt The Only Strategy which will Work which is out lined in the following excerpts from our recent Alert, MASS Legal Immigration – An Intensifying Threat.

As Key Supporting Points for The Strategy consider, even though President Trumps “Deal” with Mexico is, thus far, reducing Illegal Immigration, MASS Legal Immigration is still an Intensifying Threat … Intensifying regarding both Costs and other Negative Impacts, including being a continuing Magnet for Illegals, and

1. Stopping Illegal Immigration requires Reducing Legal Immigration
Indeed, the large numbers of “Slots” Available to Legal Immigrants (e.g., especially the de facto Unlimited Asylee Category) creates a Magnet effect for Illegals.
Indeed, the Uncapped Asylee category encourages Trafficking of Children, because it allows any adult bringing a child into the U.S. to become a de facto permanent resident.
2.  Regarding Costs, consider this summary of CCN’s NET COSTS Study:
U.S. Taxpayers Costs from legal immigration alone - $330 BILLION PER YEAR NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) , i.e.,
i. $3.3 TRILLION NET prospectively for the next Decade if Legal immigration is not reduced.
ii. Does NOT include COSTS borne by States and Localities.
iii. $758 MILLION per Year for Each Congressional District. That is, the costs of legal immigration average $1000 per U.S. Taxpayer per year!
iv. 62% of legal immigrants get one or more “free” (i.e., U.S. Taxpayer-funded) Health Care, Health Insurance, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing & Welfare. 
ii. Confirmed by two other studies, e.g., by Professor of Computer Science, U.C. Davis, Norm Matloff Blog, “Vast Majority of H1B and related visa hires are Cheap Labor Hires”
iii. And by Economist Ed Rubenstein writing for

There is no shortage of American Workers! See recent Immigrant Employment Data from CIS.Org below.

The Solution CCN has, for years, supported is an all-categories-included Zero-Net MORATORIUM on LEGAL Immigration.   
The number of immigrants admitted annually consistent with Zero-Net Immigration would be approximately 150,000, in contrast to the current number of approximately 1.6 million annually.

CCN’s MORATORIUM Advocacy maximizes Political pressure for substantial reduction in Legal Immigration, quite unlike plans advocated by other National Immigration “Reform” Groups, i.e., Groups which refuse to push a Moratorium and therefore are de facto Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups; not genuine reduction groups. If enacted, their positions are counterproductive because they would ensure unending MASS Immigration.

CCN also exposes and opposes Cultural Marxism — driven by MASS Immigration — and which is The Major Force driving Political Correctness, Mass Immigration, Multi-Culturalism, Identity Politics, and Destruction of Western Nations and their Traditions, and ANTIFA.

In the background, world population increases by about 80 million per year, and pressure to come to U.S.A. will only increase. Since 2005, an average of 1.5 Million Legal Immigrants settled in the U.S.A. annually. Recently, 1.6-1.7 Million have settled here annually. The US Census reports that  400,000 legal immigrants per year settle in California alone.
ii. “For Every Person added to U.S. (or California’s) Population, one Acre of precious Farmland or Natural Habitat is lost to Developed Uses (e.g., Malls, Urban Sprawl, Tract Housing) (Pimentel et al, Cornell)
iii. California: Potable water demands from growing cities and from ground water depletion far in excess of recharge rates) have led to a long-term Potable Water Crisis resulting in some jurisdictions (e.g., all of Orange County, California) being forced to drink “Toilet to Tap Water” in recent years. One year of heavy rains has not solved this problem
iv. Our Zero-Net Moratorium push sends the Critical message that we must Stop MASS Legal Immigration in order to protect our environment. 

As well, Legal and Illegal Immigration is a Major cause of Increased Homelessness and Crowding (and higher Taxes everywhere in the USA) especially in those Areas which receive large numbers of Immigrants — New York City, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles.

Consider California, which receives about 400,000 Legal Immigrants per Year. California has many attractions, generous Taxpayer-funded benefits among them.

For example, in addition to the aforementioned Costs, there are other very substantial Impacts. Those 400,000 Legal Immigrants plus the hundreds of thousands of Illegal Immigrants create a great and increasing demand for Housing. And since many of the Legal Immigrants especially are well-heeled and heavily subsidized by us taxpayers, they have the Financial ability to “crowd out” the most impoverished Americans — many of whom end up living in the streets, or, if they are “lucky” in tent cities and Trailers.  

This Demographic Impact is merely the beginning.

The crowding of taxpayers-funded schools, roads, hospitals, emergency rooms and public Transportation Systems is largely a result of MASS immigration, both legal and illegal.

“…[I]mmigration overload has adversely impacted the carrying capacity of many schools … Especially K to 12…

“… 23% of students in public schools Today are from immigrant households … High Immigration States have seen even more dramatic increases … Nevada 35%, New Jersey 34% Texas 31%, …. Even in states that are not traditional Immigrant Destinations — Minnesota, Alaska, Kansas, … I in 7 students are from immigrant households …”

Christopher Daly, The Impact of Immigration on Public EducationCampoc Inc / NPG, March 2018

Therefore, please push your Congressional Representatives hard NOW to:

  1. Above all Push for an All-Categories-Included Zero-Net MORATORIUM on Legal Immigrants and, of course, a “no” Vote on S386.
  3. Implement E-VERIFY
  5. Eliminate all CHAIN MIGRATION except for spouses & minor children of US citizens
  6. Outlaw Sanctuary Cities and States, because they are Magnets for criminals
  7. Refuse admission to those convicted of a crime and deport them
Contact your Senators now because we expect S386 will be voted on when the Senate reconvenes in September!

Please help Carrying Capacity Network intensify our PUSH for the policies above by increasing our Activist Mobilization, Media, lobbying and public education efforts with a tax-deductible donation.

Any donation, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated. Now is the Time to Donate for Maximum Effect!

The 2020 Election Campaign is already underway!

And remember that CCN is a Genuine Mass Immigration REDUCTION Group, so Donations to CCN have far more impact dollar for dollar than Donations to Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups who refuse to support a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal. (See which describes the adverse effects National Immigration Management groups’ Actions had on Arizona Activists’ attempts to reduce immigration into Arizona.)

One National group focuses SOLELY on ILLEGAL Immigration which is futile because large numbers of legal slots are a Magnet for Illegals, so to reduce Illegal we MUST also reduce Legal "Slots".

Consider another of these groups whose strategies are copied by several others:

  1. This group supports a reduction in Legal immigration to 500,000 and “eventually” to 300,000, which would, even if achieved, NOT result in sustainability — Immigrant fertility rates have historically been well in excess of replacement level — and that the world's population increases by 80 Million per year, the pressure to emigrate to the USA will only intensify, especially if encouraged by the USA's current pro-Mass Immigration policies. In sum, enactment of this group’s position would result in unending Mass Immigration-fueled U.S. population growth.
  2. And perhaps MOST IMPORTANT . . .  COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because it explicitly sanctions unending Mass Immigration, and indeed legitimizes it!! Thus, this and similar groups are Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups and NOT genuine Reduction groups.
  3. And, in any event, pushing that position is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because, in any Negotiation, one should never start with the position where one wants to end up! 
“Lifeboat USA” is at increasing risk of sinking!

Therefore, CCN invites once again all genuine REDUCTIONIST organizations to Join our Diversity Coalition for an Immigration  MORATORIUM . . . a Coalition supported by many Immigrants from all Ethnic Groups.


Please donate by Credit Card at Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. or by Check via U.S. mail to:

P.O.BOX 457
San Francisco, CA 94104

 Note re Adverse Effect of Mass Immigration on employment of Natives

·         “There has been a long-term decline in the labor force participation rate of working-age (18 to 64) natives without a bachelor’s degree. Only 70.8 percent of natives in this group were in the labor force in the first quarter of 2019; in 2007, before the recession, it was 74.4 percent, and in the first quarter of 2000 it was 76.7 percent.
·         “The labor force participation rate of natives without a college degree has shown no meaningful improvement in recent years. …
·         “In 45 states plus the District of Columbia, labor force participation of natives without a college degree was lower in the first quarter of 2019 than the same quarter in 2007.
·         “Comparing 2000 to 2019, all 50 states plus the District of Columbia have a lower labor force participation rate for natives without a college degree in 2019. …
·         “In the first quarter of 2019, the labor force participation rate of immigrants (18 to 64) without a bachelor’s degree was 73.3 percent, somewhat better than that of natives, but still below their rate of 73.8 percent in the first quarter of 2007. …


Carrying Capacity Network, Inc.
Carrying Capacity on

@CarryingCapacity & Twitter:  @CCNetworkOrg 

Friday, June 14, 2019

MASS Legal Immigration – An Intensifying Threat

Carrying Capacity Network, Inc.


MASS Legal Immigration – An Intensifying Threat 

Even though President Trumps “Deal” with Mexico will likely result in reduced Illegal Immigration, MASS Legal Immigration is an Intensifying Threat … Intensifying regarding both Costs and other Negative Impacts, including being a continuing Magnet for Illegals.

Indeed, the large numbers of “Slots” Available to Legal Immigrants (e.g., the de facto Unlimited Asylee Category) creates a Magnet effect for Illegals.

Regarding Costs, consider this summary of our NET COSTS Study:

1)  U.S. Taxpayers Costs from legal immigration alone - $330 BILLION PER YEAR NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) , i.e.,

i. $3.3 TRILLION prospectively for the next Decade.

ii. Does NOT include COSTS borne by States and Localities.

iii. $758 MILLION per Year for Each Congressional District. That is, the costs of legal immigration average $1000 per U.S. Taxpayer per year!

iv. 62% of legal immigrants get one or more “free” (i.e., U.S. Taxpayer-funded) Health Care, Health Insurance, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing & Welfare.



ii. Confirmed by Professor of Computer Science, U.C. Davis, Norm Matloff Blog, “Vast Majority of H1B and related visa hires are Cheap Labor Hires”

iii. And by Ed Rubenstein writing for

Please note that CCN has, for years, supported an all-categories-included Zero-Net MORATORIUM on LEGAL Immigration.  

The number of immigrants admitted annually consistent with Zero-Net Immigration would be approximately 150,000, in contrast to the current number of approximately 1.6 million annually.
CCN’s MORATORIUM Advocacy maximizes pressure for substantial reduction in Legal Immigration, quite unlike plans advocated by other National Immigration “Reform” Groups, i.e., Groups which refuse to push a Moratorium and therefore are de facto Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups; not genuine reduction groups. If enacted, their positions are counterproductive because they would ensure unending MASS Immigration.

CCN also exposes and opposes Cultural Marxism — driven by MASS Immigration — and which is the Major Force driving Political Correctness, Mass Immigration, Multi-Culturalism and Destruction of Western Nations and their Traditions.

3)  NUMBERS: In the background, world population increases by about 80 million per year, and pressure to come to U.S.A. will only increase. Since 2005, an average of 1.5 Million Legal Immigrants settled in the U.S.A. annually. Recently, 1.6-1.7 Million have settled here annually. The US Census reports that  400,000 legal immigrants per year settle in California alone.



ii. “For Every Person added to U.S. (or California) Population, one Acre of precious Farmland or Natural Habitat is lost to Developed Uses (e.g., Malls, Urban Sprawl, Tract Housing) (Pimentel et al, Cornell)

iii. California: Potable water demands from growing cities and from ground water depletion far in excess of recharge rates) have led to a long-term Potable Water Crisis resulting in some jurisdictions (e.g., all of Orange County) being forced to drink “Toilet to Tap Water” in recent years. One year of heavy rains has not solved this problem

iv. Our Zero-Net Moratorium push sends the Critical message that we must Stop MASS Legal Immigration in order to protect our environment.

As well, Legal and Illegal Immigration is a Major cause of Increased Homelessness and Crowding (and higher Taxes everywhere in the USA) especially in those Areas which receive large numbers of Immigrants — New York City, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles.

Consider California, which receives about 400,000 Legal Immigrants per Year. California has many attractions, generous Taxpayer-funded benefits among them.

But in addition to the aforementioned Costs, there are other very substantial Impacts. Those 400,000 Legal Immigrants plus the hundreds of thousands of Illegal Immigrants create a great and increasing demand for Housing. And since many of the Legal Immigrants especially are well-heeled and heavily subsidized by us taxpayers, they have the Financial ability to “crowd out” the most impoverished Americans — many of whom end up living in the streets, or, if they are “lucky” in tent cities and Trailers.  This Demographic Impact is merely the beginning.

The crowding of schools, roads, hospitals, emergency rooms and public Transportation Systems is largely a result of MASS immigration, both legal and illegal.

“…[I]mmigration overload has adversely impacted the carrying capacity of many schools … Especially K to 12…

“… 23% of students in public schools Today are from immigrant households … High Immigration States have seen even more dramatic increases … Nevada 35%, New Jersey 34% Texas 31%, …. Even in states that are not traditional Immigrant Destinations — Minnesota, Alaska, Kansas, … I in 7 students are from immigrant households …”

Christopher Daly, The Impact of Immigration on Public EducationCampoc Inc / NPG, March 2018

These examples effectively refute the Open Borders Crowd’s favorite arguments such as, “Population Growth increases GDP which increases Economic Health.”

Our response: Population Growth often increases Aggregate GDP, but always decreases Per Capita GDP, the True Test of a Nation’s “Wealth.”

Therefore, please push your Congressional Representatives hard NOW to:


2.    Implement E-VERIFY


4.    Eliminate all CHAIN MIGRATION except for spouses & minor children of US citizens

5.    Enact a Zero-Net* ALL-CATEGORIES-INCLUDED MORATORIUM on LEGAL Immigration, which would reduce legal immigration to about 150,000 per year

6.    Outlaw Sanctuary Cities and States, because they are Magnets for criminals

7.    Refuse admission to those convicted of a crime and deport them

Please help Carrying Capacity Network intensify our PUSH for the policies above by increasing our Activist Mobilization, Media, lobbying and public education efforts with a tax-deductible donation.

Any donation, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated. Now is the Time to Donate for Maximum Effect!

The 2020 Election Campaign is already underway!

And remember that CCN is a Genuine Mass Immigration REDUCTION Group, so Donations to CCN have far more impact dollar for dollar than Donations to Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups who refuse to support a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal.

One group focuses SOLELY on ILLEGAL Immigration which is futile because large numbers of legal slots are a Magnet for Illegals, so to reduce Illegal we MUST also reduce Legal "Slots".

Consider another of these groups whose strategies are copied by several others:

1)   This group supports a reduction in Legal immigration to 500,000 and “eventually” to 300,000, which would, even if achieved, NOT result in sustainability — Immigrant fertility rates have historically been well in excess of replacement level — and that the world's population increases by 80 Million per year, the pressure to emigrate to the USA will only intensify, especially if encouraged by the USA's current pro-Mass Immigration policies. In sum, enactment of this group’s position would result in unending Mass Immigration-fueled U.S. population growth.

2)   And perhaps MOST IMPORTANT . . .  COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because it explicitly sanctions unending Mass Immigration, and indeed legitimizes it!! Thus, this and similar groups are Mass Immigration MANAGEMENT Groups and NOT genuine Reduction groups.

3)   And, in any event, pushing that position is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because, in any Negotiation, one should never start with the position where one wants to end up!

Therefore, CCN invites once again all genuine REDUCTIONIST organizations to Join our Diversity Coalition for an Immigration  MORATORIUM . . . a Coalition supported by many Immigrants from all Ethnic Groups.


Please donate by Credit Card at Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. or by Check via U.S. mail to:



P.O.BOX 457

San Francisco, CA 94104


Carrying Capacity Network, Inc.

CARRYING CAPACITY on GAB: @CarryingCapacity & Twitter:  @CCNetworkOrg